「美國總統志工服務獎」(The President's Volunteer Service Award)是美國政府 為鼓勵美國公民或具有美國永久居留權者 參與志工服務所設立的獎項。「北加州中文學校聯合會」為服務所屬會員學校,成立審核小組辦理該獎項申請的審理。本會提供〈總統志工服務奬〉的目的,是在於 鼓勵聯合會會員學校學生從事推廣華語文教育及中華文化之志工活動。希望學生藉由從事志工的同時,除了浸潤於中華文化的學習外,並養成樂於回饋社會的習慣。
凡本會會員學校的在校學生 (滿11歲以上) 擔任無給職助教,或是參加中文學校舉辦的文教相關活動服務、或是參加與其它社區/社團推廣華語文文化的義工服務,均可依服務時數的多寡提出申請。為鼓勵會員學校學生服務社區,本獎項之申請不另收取費用。規則細節及申請表請點擊下方連結:
The President's Volunteer Service Award
The President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is an award bestowed by the President of the United States to encourage U.S. citizens or permanent residents to engage in volunteer service. As a certifying organization of this national program, the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) has established a Review Committee to process applications from member schools. Our objective is to acknowledge students from member schools who participate in volunteer activities that promote Chinese language education and Chinese culture. Through their volunteering experiences, we hope that students will immerse themselves in Chinese culture and foster a habit of giving back to the community.
All students from member schools who are 11 years or older and serve as unpaid teaching assistants, participate in educational and cultural activities organized by Chinese schools, or engage in volunteer services that promote Chinese language and culture in other communities/organizations, are eligible to apply for the award.
The award levels are based on the number of service hours earned. To encourage member school students to serve the community, applications for this award are free of charge. For detailed guidelines and application forms, please click the link below:
2024 ANCCS Volunteer Service Award Application Guidelines
2024 ANCCS President’s Volunteer Service Award Application Form